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海之幸華昌食品(KASHOSEAFOOD)——多春魚卵(紅) Capelin Roe(Red)

海之幸華昌食品(KASHOSEAFOOD)——多春魚卵(紅) Capelin Roe(Red)

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多春魚卵(紅) Capelin Roe(Red)

多春魚卵,是日本料理中常用食材。本品选用进口鱼籽,考究的选材结合国际最先进的秘制调味加工技术,造就了本品绝佳的风味和口感,嚼起来有脆生生的感觉质感Q弹,鲜香馥郁,令人陶醉。 鱼籽是一种营养丰富的食品,其中有大量的蛋白质钙、磷、铁、维生素和核黄素,也富有胆固醇,是人类大脑和骨髓的良好补充剂、滋长剂。 

Frozen seasoned capelin roe is a popular ingredient in Japanese cuisine. This product uses imported fish roe, exquisite selection of materials combined with the international most advanced secret seasoning processing technology, creating the excellent flavor and taste of this product, chewing up a crisp feeling of texture, fresh fragrance, intoxicating. Fish roe is a nutrient-rich food, which has a lot of protein calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins and riboflavin, but also rich in cholesterol, is a good supplement for human brain and bone marrow, growth agent.

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